AIGO as part of BELhospice team at the 32nd Belgrade Marathon
When you want your staff, competition, associates and clients to be part of the positive c
hanges you wish to bring to the environment in which you operate, you need to set an example of how to be passionate, keen, dedicated and motivated.
What applies to individuals also applies to companies that aspire to be market leaders in their industries.
The 32nd Belgrade Marathon once again featured AIGO as part of the BELhospice organization’s team.
The Belgrade Marathon, as one of the biggest and most important events in our capital, not only moves people to compete and strive for the best results, but also sets humane causes as goals for the participants to achieve.
Like last year, this year our employees proudly participated in fundraising for the BELhospice organization, which aims to protect the right to dignity of cancer patients and their families in Serbia.
With a great team spirit as imperative, and the desire to set an example of what it means to be a leader, the AIGO team decided to support yet another humane cause by showing there are non-competitive races, those in which all participants contribute to a common victory.
To see our staff in action at the 32nd Belgrade Marathon, see the gallery below.