Big systems and corporations
the best solutions for big systems and corporations
Big systems and corporations
Expertise, extensive experience and dedication of AIGO team guarantees<br> the best solutions for big systems and corporations

If you are managing or working in a large telecommunications, banking, insurance or similar company, you are probably familiar with the problem that arises when different departments use separate, insufficiently interconnected applications.
These applications are usually successful at facilitating day-to-day tasks, but when it comes to making strategic or operational decisions, using data from a single department’s software is not enough. This is where the first problem with a non-integrated system arises. The usage of inconsistent data from different sources can cause any decision to result in an unpredicted outcome.

In order to achieve the desired business results, your company needs to respond quickly to daily, seasonal and long-term developments in its industry, so your reactions must be based on complete and accurate information.
Therefore, the quality of decisions you make is dependent upon the sophistication of ICT solutions, which support every business.
We implement integrated systems based on sophisticated technologies, platforms and tools, enabling your staff to work efficiently and your management to make decisions based on the right information.
In an ever-evolving market, you only become and remain competitive when you are ready to respond to market challenges at any given moment.
AIGO business solutions follow the trends in the development of ICT technology, and with our knowledge, know-how and quality, they ensure that the decisions you make yield the desired results.
AIGO team, your local development partner, will help you:
AIGO Infrastructrure solution if you want:
- to support your business operations with a new data centre,
- to virtualize servers,
- to focus on networking and system security, or
- to explore what backup & recovery options are available to you.
AIGO software solution if you want:
- to support your business operations with suitable CRM or planning and budgeting solutions
- to supplement the decision-making process by deploying BI (business intelligence) solutions or artificial intelligence
- to respond to unique needs with a unique, custom-made solution, or
- to implement an adequate document management system
AIGO IT & business consulting services when:
- you need help and guidance on managing business processes or projects,
- you need guidelines for further business development, or
- checking and improving the security of your system are your focus.
AIGO Printing solution for organizing your office business or finding an adequate production printing solution.
AIGO repair service solutions for fast, quality and professional servicing of integrated hardware-software solutions.
please take a look at one of our successful projects.